YVC aims to increase the scope of the college’s international collaboration and to develop collaborative relationships globally. To this end, YVC invests significant energy and resources in establishing and maintaining ongoing academic dialogues with colleagues outside of Israel. YVC believes that these academic interactions keep faculty members and students abreast of new developments, expand their horizons of inquiry, and encourage collaborative research and applied projects. International collaboration also fosters academic excellence, and brings together students and faculty members from many parts of the global community.
Currently, YVC faculty members are engaged in collaboration with colleagues in various institutions in the United States, Europe, and Australia, including Oakland University in Michigan, Central Connecticut State University, The University of St. Joseph in Connecticut, UCLA in California, Fordham University and Syracuse University in New York, the Universities of Hohennheim and Dortmund in Germany, the Chernivtsi National University in the Ukraine, several universities in the UK, research centers in Oslo and Ancona, the University of Melbourne, and more. YVC is also a partner in the IRIS project, an EU program to foster international relations between Israeli academic colleges and European academic institutions.