Facts and Figures

Key Facts

  • 570 Faculty Members
  • 558 Completed Pre Academic studies
  • 1,031 Undergraduate Degrees in 2023
  • 173 Graduate Degrees in 2023
  • 23,033 Undergraduate Alumni
  • 1,251 Undergraduate Alumni

Important Dates

1954 – Israel’s Second President, Yitzhak Ben-Zvi and his wife Rachel Yanait Ben-Zvi participated in laying the Cornerstone of “Ohel Sarah”

1960 – “Ohel Sarah” was inaugurated

1965 – The college was established as a center for adult education and the completion of external matriculation exams

1973-1994 – “Ohel Sarah” functioned as an extension of the University of Haifa. The college was named after Max Stern, an American-Jewish businessman, community leader and philanthropist, after his death in 1982.

1994 – The College was accredited by Israel’s Council of Higher Education to award academic degrees and became one of the first academic colleges in the country.

2005 – New student dorms were opened.