Department Head:
Dr. Anna Uster
The MA degree in Public Administration and Public Policy integrates major issues in Political Science, Economic Policy, Public Policy, Social Policy, Public Management, Public Administration, Local Government, Governance, Regulation, Law, and Research Methods. The program offers a modern and innovative academic study environment with a welcoming approach towards anyone seeking to broaden knowledge and skills in order to embark on a professional career, strengthen their position/career in the public sector and governmental systems or to become engaged in national/local politics or other long-term public involvement.
The rich curriculum prepares public servants and students to promote their professional careers in the public service, third sector or other organizations requiring specific knowledge of public policy, public administration and management of the public sector.
Program Description*
As a discipline that developed out of the study of politics, political science and economics, public policy refers to the interface between individuals, groups, organizations, government agencies, laws, tools and norms, which impact, alone and together, government action and inaction.
Public policy is a key tool of the government to drive change and institution-building processes, and is reflected in a wide range of activities, including legislation, enactment of regulations, administrative decision-making, resource allocation, taxation, building institutions to carry out various tasks, as well as control and enforcement activities. Accordingly, public administration and public policy studies include analysis of government courses of action and legislation, examining public problems and how they are addressed, mapping goals and objectives of society and the economy, identifying different means of directing public resources and ensuring their effective utilization, all in order to achieve society’s preferred goals.
* Award of the degree is contingent on approval of the Council for Higher Education.
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Department Contact Information
Ms. Yarden Yona
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