B.A. in Psychology






Department Head:
Ami Cohen, PhD


The Department of Psychology at YVC is devoted to providing the upcoming generation of psychologists with a profound understanding of the intricate science behind behavior and the mind. Students are exposed to diverse fields of psychology and the contemporary research methods through which these subjects are studied. A cornerstone of the department’s approach is the cultivation of critical thinking skills, empowering students to analyze and appreciate psychology’s profound implications. Following their undergraduate studies, graduates frequently gain admission to prestigious applied and research-oriented graduate programs, paving the way to successful and impactful careers in the realm of psychology.

Program Description

The program enables students to acquire comprehensive knowledge regarding fundamental issues in human behavior including its biological and psycho-physiological foundations, as well as various cognitive processes such as thought, perception, memory, attention and language. Studies also deal with personality, the effect of the environment on human behavior, development and learning processes, and abnormal psychology. Additional electives focus on dreams and their meaning, and addiction. Classes are complemented by a range of co-curricular activities, including guest lectures and workshops.
The Psychology Department aims to provide students with the highest level of studies combined with extensive personal assistance and support. This approach has proven itself as demonstrated in the high rate of department graduates accepted to advanced degree programs in Psychology.
After completing their undergraduate degree in Psychology, graduates can pursue an M.A. in Psychology in the of the following specializations: clinical psychology, educational psychology, organizational occupational psychology, developmental psychology, rehabilitation psychology and medical psychology. Department graduates can also develop in relaed fields, including: certificate studies in all types of therapy, as well as in the fields of human resources, organizational consulting, education and training, and social work, and in various management fields.


The department’s faculty conducts cutting-edge research in various fields related to psychology. This includes sleep, addiction, developmental psychology, social psychology, neurocognition, and educational neuropsychology. Our faculty members often cooperate in multidisciplinary studies, such as the study of the interplay between sleep patterns and the neurocognitive and emotional facets of ADHD, as well as the profound influence of sleep on sustaining nicotine addiction. Through these profound inquiries, we strive to unravel the complexities of human behavior and contribute to the expanding frontiers of psychological knowledge.


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Department Contact Information

Ms. Mali Shalit

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