Faculty Staff B.S.C. in Information Systems

Prof. Naomi Shaked-
Matrix Theory, Combinatorial Matrix Theory, Completely Positive Matrices, Copositive Matrices naomis@yvc.ac.il
Dr. Abigail Paradise Vit Data science, analysis of complex and social networks, computer vision and artificial intelligence, information security, information retrieval and search engines. Using machine learning, deep learning, text analysis and NLP techniques abigailp@yvc.ac.il
Dr. Loai AbdAllah Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, and Machine Learning loaia@yvc.ac.il
Dr. Murad Badarna Active learning, Bioinformatics, Deep Learning tools for video stream analysis and large language model (LLM) muradb@yvc.ac.il
Prof. Ilana Lavy (Emerita) Pre-service and mathematics teachers’ professional development, the acquisition and understanding of mathematical and computer science concepts Ilanal@yvc.ac.il
Prof. Igor Kanovsky (Emeritus) Complex Networks. Includes: processes of information spreading in social networks, communities recognition in complex networks, complex networks in data science, complex networks and artificial intelligence IgorK@yvc.ac.il
Dr. Avi Magid Epidemiology of cancer, epidemiology of infectious diseases, biostatistics, Big Data avim@yvc.ac.il
Avi Zakai Biostatistics, Design and analysis of clinical trials, Statistical Learning, Data Science, Mathematical Statistics, Applied Statistics, Mathematical Education aviz@yvc.ac.il